Vodaland Drain

Gutter Traps & Leaf Traps

In our gutter trap & leaf traps collection, smart solutions meet a common problem. Say goodbye to the hassle of clogged gutters with our innovative leaf traps that offer a practical and efficient way to maintain the flow of water in your drainage system.

    Gutter Traps & Leaf Traps: Effectively Preventing Clogged Gutters

    Vodaland is the exclusive provider of products like this. It's quite simple – you just connect your downspout gutter directly to our gutter trap. As water flows through the system, the trap catches leaves, mud, and other debris. Then, you can link your outlet underground. This means you won't have to see the water or worry about anything. 

    As leaves, twigs, and debris are the usual culprits that eventually clog downspouts and drains, a leaf trap acts as an efficient barrier. These leaf guards effectively filter out large and small leaves, preventing them from entering your gutters and causing blockages.

    By installing leaf traps, you can bid farewell to tedious gutter cleaning. This not only saves you time and effort but also contributes to the long-term health of your property.

    Vodaland: Your Reliable Gutter Solutions Partner

    At Vodaland, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and efficient gutter system. Our collection of gutter traps and leaf traps is built to cater to your drainage needs, ensuring that your gutters remain free from debris and blockages. With easy installation and minimal flush maintenance required, our leaf traps are an essential addition to your home's drainage system.

    Choose Vodaland for innovative solutions like leaf traps and gutter guards that make a real difference in protecting your property from the challenges of clogged gutters. Experience hassle-free maintenance and safeguard your property’s foundation with our quality leaf traps.

    • FAQs
    • Sealant
    • Sand Traps

    Q. - What end cap do I get for the system I ordered? 

    A. That will all depend on your channel depth. Be sure to thoroughly review the title and description of each end cap. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 

    Q. - I want to hook up a 4 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe, but your end caps are set up for drain pipe, can i still do this? 

    A. Yes absolutely, all you need is one of our schedule 40 PVC adapters. We have them both for 3 inch PVC and 4 inch PVC. 

    Q. Do I need installation brackets? 

    A. Installation brackets are recommended. They provide a good way to make sure your top is level and that your channels do not move at all during your pour.