St. Louis, Mo: Standartpark USA is happy to announce that the company's Board of Directors has appointed Martin Alan as Chief Executive Officer, effective June 5, 2021. Martin has been a partner with Standartpark USA for the past four years and most recently was Standartpark's, Chief Operations Officer.
Martin joined the Standartpark team six years ago. Within that time, he has innovated the market that Standartpark stands upon in the United States.
Martin Alan has not only been the key to Standartpark's success in the USA, but he has also worked hard to reinvent the ideas of customer service in this industry and strives to move it even further. Standartpark USA has had close to 100% growth year over year, and Martin wants to focus on maintaining and furthering this incredible accomplishment.
"It's an incredible honor to just be a part of Standartpark, let alone be appointed as CEO," said Martin as he excitedly discussed his new CEO role. "In my six years with the company, it's been nothing but an absolute pleasure to work with the group that I have and motivate each other each and every day. It truly is an incredible environment to be in. The future of this company and the tremendous opportunity it has to be a large impact on the environment creates a special place in my heart. I could not be happier for this and can't wait for the future. Our responsibility relies in our values here at Standartpark, to the clients and our team. We all link together from our founders, management, personnel, and directly to our clients. We believe in transparent representation of information, and consistent relationships with our customers. Standartpark fully believes that integrity forms the basis of trust, and to be a part of something like that is amazing."