Vodaland Engineering Portal


Vodaland's Clean Line sets the standard for environmentally consciouswastewater management solutions, offering a comprehensive range of products designed toeffectively separate and treat contaminants from water sources. Central to our lineup are threesizes of oil/water separators, meticulously engineered to remove oil, grease, and otherhydrocarbons from wastewater streams, ensuring compliance with environmental regulationsand safeguarding water quality. These separators are available in various capacities toaccommodate the needs of diverse industrial and commercial applications, providing reliableperformance and ease of maintenance. In addition to our oil/water separators, Vodaland offers agrease trap designed to capture and retain fats, oils, and grease from kitchen wastewater,preventing blockages and minimizing the risk of sewer overflows. Completing our Clean Lineofferings is our solids interceptor, engineered to efficiently remove sediment, debris, and othersolids from wastewater, safeguarding downstream equipment and preventing clogs in drainagesystems. With Vodaland's Clean Line, businesses and municipalities can trust in our advancedsolutions to promote cleaner waterways and a healthier environment for future generations.

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Vodaland's Clean Line sets the standard for environmentally consciouswastewater management solutions, offering a comprehensive range of products designed toeffectively separate and treat contaminants from water sources. Central to our lineup are threesizes of oil/water separators, meticulously engineered to remove oil, grease, and otherhydrocarbons from wastewater streams, ensuring compliance with environmental regulationsand safeguarding water quality. These separators are available in various capacities toaccommodate the needs of diverse industrial and commercial applications, providing reliableperformance and ease of maintenance. In addition to our oil/water separators, Vodaland offers agrease trap designed to capture and retain fats, oils, and grease from kitchen wastewater,preventing blockages and minimizing the risk of sewer overflows. Completing our Clean Lineofferings is our solids interceptor, engineered to efficiently remove sediment, debris, and othersolids from wastewater, safeguarding downstream equipment and preventing clogs in drainagesystems. With Vodaland's Clean Line, businesses and municipalities can trust in our advancedsolutions to promote cleaner waterways and a healthier environment for future generations.

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Oil / Water Separator
Grease Trap
Solids Interceptor
Technical Data
Technical Data
Technical Data
Description PDF CAD BIM
70 Gallon Oil /Water Separator OB1-1
135 Gallon Oil/Water Separator OB1-2
215 Gallon Oil/Water Separator OB1-3
Oil/Water Separator Overview Guild

Description PDF CAD BIM
Grease Trap Specifiction
Grease Trap Technical Passport

Description PDF CAD BIM
Solids Interceptor with handles Specifications
Solids Interceptor without handles